Accueil » Great success for CAFFIL’s new bond issue with a volume of EUR 0.75 billion and a maturity of 10 years (third public benchmark transaction of the year)

Great success for CAFFIL’s new bond issue with a volume of EUR 0.75 billion and a maturity of 10 years (third public benchmark transaction of the year)

Posted on 18 September, 2017 - 14:26 | Category : Press releases.

This transaction is part of the EUR 6 billion issuance program for 2017 of Caisse Française de Financement Local (CAFFIL), which is almost entirely completed with an average maturity of more than 11 years in line with asset-liability profile. CAFFIL has chosen a long maturity for its new public offering after the 10-year transaction issued in January (EUR 1.5 billion) and the 7-year and 15-year dual tranche transaction issued in May (EUR 1.75 billion).

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